Looking To Time Travel? Move Your Consciousness Using This Method

20 min Guided Access

Ankh Activation

What You'll Receive:

Step By Step

-A detailed explanation of each step and why it's used.  

-Light language codes for those that can't see, the body will respond to the sacred universal language

-20 minute recording guided meditation


- Steps to remove negative self talk, self hatred, trauma toxins

-Removal of damaged or altered DNA

-Removal of distortions and manipulated influences

-Access to the Sun Disc Network

This is for you if you've ever felt this way....

-Feeling like you're not living up to your highest potential?

-Looking to open up your claires?

-Ready to access more versions of you?

-Wanna travel and move your consciousness?

-Looking to get rid of anger, resentment, bitterness and greed once and for all?

Not able to see? No worries

This 20 minute guided journey will take you to Arcturus where we will meet our guide.

The plan is to connect you back to your original blueprint by following the steps detailed for you.

Each step is accompanied by light language for those that can't visualize or imagine the details I provide.

Light language codes will assist the body in deeply purging, recalibrating, attuning, and moving through the reversals to actively connect to conscious time travel.

We are moving through the sun disk network, into the Andromedan Spiral heart, and returning all aspects of us.....and so it is

Copyright 2024 Divine Transmissions. All rights reserved.

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