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15-Day Challenge With Natalie Nadine
Learn To Identify Challenging Patterns That Keep Ocurring And Break Free Of The Cycles
Do You Feel Close To Someone And Often Wonder If You Knew Them In Another Lifetime & How?
Wondering If You've Met Your Twin Flame & If You'll Stay Together OR Get Them Back?
Do You Feel Like You're Living A Karmatic Life & Are Eager To Find Out If It's Yours, Your Ancestors, Or Just Plain Bad Luck?
MY Life Changing Journey.......
I QUIT my $70,000 a year job and I have never felt so FREE in my entire life. It seems crazy, doesn’t it?
This is something that I have been working at NIGHT & DAY for a while now, but for the last 9 months, I actually made it happen! Read Below to find out how I MADE THIS HAPPEN!!
I started waking up at 3:30am to work on my online business, I worked from 3:30am-7am. Then I would go to my Trauma Family Support Job, working with families in their homes to ensure they had the right resources and therapy they needed.
On top of this I was still raising our 3 boys, and running a household
I started on this journey before I found out we were having our 4th baby 👶💕. At the time, I was trying to become a full-time support for those that needed more than just therapy. They needed to be unhooked from their past
But I was putting in the “daily grind” to able to help so many folk feel free and liberated. Free from sadness, depression, crying, and feeling stuck
I had dreams of...
- Helping so many people, more than just the ones that were on the extra long waiting list at my Job
- Helping people to live the life they really wanted to live
- And well just helping make people feel better by getting the answers to things they desperately needed
If you've ever been
- Being in the same situation time and time again
- Wondering why is my luck so bad?
- What is the universe trying to teach me?
Then You'll wanna grab the 15 day challenge and really challenge yourself to open up and explore with me to find the things about your past that have been keeping you anchored and unable to move forward.
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