New Products
4 Part Series removing old programming, Alignment to Lumeria, Activation of Knowledge Codes, Moving into higher frequency
This is a series of abundance and new beginnings
Grand illumination
Thursday May 9th 15 mins at 4pm EST
Friday May 17th 30 mins at 4pm EST
Thursday May 23rd 30 mins at 4pm EST
Friday May 31st 30 mins at 4pm EST
The deep clean is right for you if you have been looking to clear through your energy fields, remove negative attachments and archons, and locate where the energy came from.
The course goes step by step into strategies that I was given by my guides during my ascension process.
The steps are concrete and easy to follow.
4 light language transmissions
40 minute connect to guides meditation
If you've been wondering who your guides are and how to connect with them, then you'll wanna grab this offer.
Together I guide you to connect to your guide, and then embark on a journey to the Crystal palace where St Germaine grants us entry.
We enter a room where I guide you to embody more Christ Conscious light energy.
This meditation also includes light language transmissions that can be received through our dna. The sacred soul language enters deeply to allow upgrades and activations
If you know you're a healer and want to do more than Reiki or Quantum healing hypnotherapy, then you'll wanna grab this course.
The course has 7 different healing modalities given to me by my spiritual team of multidimensional beings.
10 modules broken down into short segments for you to try each method out as you expand your remembrance and receive activations
Free Energy Clearing Course
Enter your email and receive the free energy clearing and cleansing course
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