EXPAND AND GROW Through Sacred Knowledge
Services to choose from:Â
one to one session with our spiritual team, higher self and source god creator.
Whatever is needed at the time will come forward for the highest good. Not sure which session to choose, pick this and allow the team to decide what's needed.
Curious of your origins, past incarnations, and past tasks you've been involved in?
Here is a great place to start if you have questions about repetitive themes, fears, triggers, trauma responses and cycles that keep presenting themselves
Curious about healing with energy that's on a quantum level?
This session is guided by your higher self to travel to past life experiences where challenging traumatic events took place.
We'll often find soul fragments, DNA repairs, trapped energy, and deep understanding of feelings that reside in your body
This is for you if you've got mysterious aches, pains, triggers, toxins things you've "inherited" and hormonal imbalances.
Tuning your Chakra's, balancing and aligning your energy flow, removing trapped feelings and any devices, archons or entities as we move you to your highest timeline back with your planet and star family.
This session is for you if you've been feeling off, exhausted, weak, hormone imbalances, hair loss, and dizzy.
Tuning your Chakra's, balancing and aligning your energy flow, removing trapped feelings and any devices, archons or entities as we move you to your highest timeline back with your planet and star family.
This session is for you if you've been feeling off, exhausted, weak, hormone imbalances, hair loss, and dizzy.
Tuning your Chakra's, balancing and aligning your energy flow, removing trapped feelings and any devices, archons or entities as we move you to your highest timeline back with your planet and star family.
This session is for you if you've been feeling off, exhausted, weak, hormone imbalances, hair loss, and dizzy.
Tuning your Chakra's, balancing and aligning your energy flow, removing trapped feelings and any devices, archons or entities as we move you to your highest timeline back with your planet and star family.
This session is for you if you've been feeling off, exhausted, weak, hormone imbalances, hair loss, and dizzy.
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