Together we 

Travel to sacred spaces, activate via light language, and deeply heal through our star family

So excited to see you're on your journey of remembrance and ready for the next steps!

Our Starseed Community is a sacred and special space where we truly feel we've known each other and done this work before.
Coming together to support one another through cosmic remembrance and collecting the puzzle pieces to restore the cosmic clock and access codes from our cosmic mother Elaysa-Melchizedek, and cosmic Red Ruby Templar Father


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If you're on the Christos mission, feel deeply you're a guardian race, Paliadorian, Emerald Holder, and are interested in the diamond sun alignment, then come on our and join us in restoring the cosmic time clock.

Currently we are greatly impacting the Asian grids and activating parts of our light bodies to receive cosmic codes of DNA repairs and activations.

The community is aligned with building connections with soul family that deeply understands and resonates with your divine plan. Supporting via daily chat group as well as weekly gathering

We can't wait to welcome you to the cosmic community


Wondering If It's For You? Here's a Breakdown of a typical meet up

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Energy update

-Greeting and Energy Update

-How the energy is impacting our lives (members share)

-Natalie providing tools and strategies to assist you in integrating the codes coming in

-Offering deep energetic insights on where we are as a collective in the restoration mission


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-Setting the intention from members shares

-Light language attunement, cosmic codes, and clearing as we attune to the frequency of the shared intention

-Discussion regarding what members felt and Q&A

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Sacred Journey

-Locating an area on the globe that calls to us or has come up in chat

-Preparing to anchor higher frequencies into Gaia or another Cosmic Planet

-Preparing to assist the beings and receive advanced frequency codes

-Lifted to a far away place up in the higher dimensions

Energy Exchange $44/mth-$111

Prepare to reunite with individuals you've known over many lifetimes. Are you ready to embark on this Cosmic remembrance?

Membership Benefits:

  • Weekly Live 90-Minute Gatherings 3-5 each month each every Friday 9-10:30pm est
  • Daily Chat: Connect with other cosmic starseeds that are on the same mission and path. Share resources and research together to expand sacred knowledge and support
  • Extensive Library: Over 50 hours of content broken into easy to digest categories to assist you in your activations, journeys, or sacred wisdom
  • Exclusive Bonus: Be first to know about upcoming events and classes with limited space

Join The Cosmic Community Of Starseeds Saturday's @ 9pm est


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Copyright 2024 Divine Transmissions. All rights reserved.

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