Connect & Grow
A place where service providers can collaborate

If you're in a position where you're wondering what will happen to your 9-5 job in the upcoming months, and you're ready to take charge, this is for you...
I want to welcome you to the hub...
It was only a few short years ago that I was in a position where I needed to open my own private practice.
I started researching, asking questions, and compiling list of resources that would help me get started.
When I saw so many mental health service providers starting to look for the same resources, tools, and wondering how they transition to something of their own, I knew they needed a solution.
I created a place where we can all come together....
frontline workers
social workers
cyw's & so so many more
Through sharing ideas and collaborations we can build, grow and support our communities
The Hub

Resources & Tools
Are you wondering where if you need to register your business?
Where to get the most cost effective insurance?
Or if you need to register your business name and join a reglatory college, then you're in the right place
If you've been looking to grow and get something started, but you're not sure exactly what or where to begin.....then you're in the right place.
At the hub, we're stronger together. It's a place where we brain storm, share ideas, and learn what's working.
We connect via a secure platform to share, learn and grow
If you're looking for a step by step guide on exactly the first step to starting your own business then the hub has the support, resources, and tools to fast track the process. Things like templates, forms, links and groups that'll be most helpful
Seeking Mental Health Supports?
Here at the hub so many service providers are transitioning out of their 9-5 jobs and taking clients.
This is a perfect opportunity to find someone that is available and ready to help you with the challenges you're facing.
Whether it's to bounce ideas off them, discuss a need for referrals, parenting/kids groups, or one to one counseling....also includes couples work.
You're in the right place if you're looking for support for yourself or child